In May 2023, seven prominent organizations united to establish Healthy Communities Augusta, driven by a shared commitment to transform their community and reclaim their environment from industrial exploitation. The city had long been sold to industry as a chemical dumping ground, a harsh reality that galvanized these groups to come together and demand change. They set out with a bold purpose: to change the way the chamber sells the 30901 and 30906 areas.
Grow the power and voice of the Environmental Justice community in Augusta’s River Region.
Strengthen Community Resilience and Advocacy Efforts.
Train community members to access publicly available data through KnowYourRiver and EPA to enable them to tell their story.
Savannah Riverkeeper
Tonya Bonitatibus, Mary Jacobson
Imani Group
Rev. Brendolyn Boseman
Growing Augusta
Karen Gordon
Augusta Woman's Club
Menia Chester
Augusta Hispanic Society
Estrella Febus
South Augusta Neighborhood Alliance
Dr. Charles Utley
Veterans for Clean Water
Kim Leonard
Tonya Bonitatibus, Mary Jacobson
Imani Group
Rev. Brendolyn Boseman
Growing Augusta
Karen Gordon
Augusta Woman's Club
Menia Chester
Augusta Hispanic Society
Estrella Febus
South Augusta Neighborhood Alliance
Dr. Charles Utley
Veterans for Clean Water
Kim Leonard